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Ganpati Bappa Morya and Social Concern

Tinsukia is on its peak mood to celebrate Ganesh Chathurti this year. Everyone is in a big chaos and not even know what's going round in the world. Believing in the only moto"ভগবানের লীলা, তিনি সবার রক্ষা করবে" and shouting at the top of their lungs, disturbing each and every corner of every colony. No, now what you think, गणपति बप्पा जागकर तुम्हारे पास आएंगे? This never happened and will never happen in world history. I don't mean that celebrating any kind of religious festival is bad or perturbing or should not be done, but their should be discipline, devotional feeling in all aspect. Specially hindu religious festives are celebrated in violent ways (violence here doesn't mean harming anyone by physical force). Bappa ain't gonna bless anyone who just mean to shout 'Ganpati Bappa morya' and put whatsapp status for a day and wait till the day of visarjan and emerge Bappa in a clean river.  A heart with pure devotion will always think about the people of his/her country, people who want  a real hand, people who want rights and equity. Let's celebrate festives with a pure heart of devotion. Let's celebrate with discipline. 

     Some of the readers might think that why I'm writing only about Hinduism. But I remind you if I start talking on the topic Hinduism then I can't complete it in one article. 

     PS: I'm a NASTIK and so I don't believe in such kind of powers. These are the mythological creatures imagined and made by people. I also didn't meant this to hurt any of the religious sentiments...
     Wishing you a Happy Ganesh Chaturthi
     Poushali Kar


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